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From 1 employee to 8 in under 6 months – A business success story.

From 1 employee to 8 in under 6 months – A business success story.

When Josh Doolan (creator of Mudbath online marketing) was looking for a desk to rent, he came across The Production Hub. Straight away he understood the vision of the space, and how it could help his business grow. The soundproof Meeting Room, Seminar Space and Workshop were all facilities he used to his businesses advantage.

From day one Josh utilised every space on offer. He started off by holding a free online marketing seminar in the Seminar Space (which seats 30 and is available free for permanent desk renters). This was such a success, it led to many back-to-back meetings with prospective clients held in The Meeting Room. Once he’d won them over with his great ideas he brought them into the Workshop. There Josh got his clients engaged and up on their feet as he projected their websites on the Whiteboard Wall, drew his suggested changes, and brought his ideas to life. Josh wooed them all with the help of the beautiful space and its facilities.

Three months later Mudbath employed another three staff members to deal with the growing workload. After recently landing a huge Government contract, the company once again had to take on MORE staff. This growth took Mudbath from one to eight employees in under six months!

With Josh’s amazing drive and foresight to see the opportunity available at The Production Hub, he soon outgrew the space available to him. The Production Hub loved watching Josh use its facilities to his advantage and wishes him all the best at his next space!

With Mudbath’s departure, the Pro Hub can now offer desks for rent. If you want The Production Hub to help your business grow, please contact us for more information.

 “Moving into The Production Hub enabled my business to grow at a rapid speed. I could not have impressed or motivated prospective clients as I did without use of The Pro Hub’s amazing facilities. Thank you for helping me grow my business guys!” – Josh Doolan. Mudbath.